Abstract submission > How to submit?Submission of a summary: We encourage submissions on the subject of the conference. The keywords associated with each session are available on the Program page of this site. Submissions submitted to the Scientific Committee must be in French and must relate to original work. Abstracts must not exceed one page, including the title, the authors and affiants, the text, the figures and references, according to the models provided (see below). By submitting a summary, the author gives permission to the Organizing Committee to reproduce this summary on the various media associated with the conference. Authors' preferences for the contribution format will be taken into account, however the Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine the presentation format (Oral or Poster). In addition, the Scientific Committee sets up several prizes, including a poster prize for a doctoral student. In order for the abstract to be definitively accepted, it is required that at least one of the authors be registered at the conference. In which session to submit your abstract:
Submission Guide: Points to consider before submitting your resume: The deadline for submission of abstracts is Tuesday, August 20th, 2019
The submission takes place in 4 steps: